Rummy From Special K 3.20
3.5 MB

Rummy From Special K 3.20

RUMMY contains all the classic Rummy games like GIN RUMMY,500 RUMMY, and more
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3.5 MB

Rummy From Special K is a pack containing versions of all the classic Rummy games. This card game pack lets you play various types of Rummy games in the comfort of your desktop, including popular variants like the standard Gin Rummy, 500 Rummy, Michigan Rummy, but also more specific ones like Oklahoma Gin, Boat House Rummy, “Round the Corner”, “High-Low”, One Meld, Wild Card, or Indian Rummy. Anyway, the best thing about this card game package is not the fact that it includes a lot of Rummy variants, but the fact that it allows you to edit the game rules and create your own, new, fully-customized version of a Rummy game.

Unfortunately, Rummy From Special K comes with a troublingly outdated interface. Not only that it looks obsolete and unpolished, but it also doesn’t allow proper resizing and fitting to areas of the screen. This might seem like a small problem, but in fact it can ruin the entire playing experience. A considerable cosmetic upgrade is required as soon as possible, in my opinion. Taking this downside into consideration, its price also seems a bit too high, from my point of view.

In conclusion, if you don’t think the Windows 95-like interface that can’t be properly resized will bother you, you might like this Rummy game pack after all. It’s packed with plenty of handy additional options as well, and the game rule editor that lets you create new game versions is indeed a very appealing feature.

MS Senior editor
Margie Smeer
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Review summary


  • Allows editing the game rules and creating new game variants
  • Plenty of options
  • By default, it allows playing the popular Rummy variants


  • Pricey
  • Outdated, unpolished interface
  • The interface cannot be resized and forces playing the games on full screen only

Comments (1)


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I like that you can customize lots of rules, to play many different Rummy games.

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